Ryley Wagner

1800 JCL LAW | ryley@jcl.com.au

Prior to joining JCL, Ryley gained valuable experience in commercial litigation working in boutique and mid-size law firms.

Ryley graduated from Griffith University in 2020 with a Bachelor of Laws (with Distinction) and a Bachelor of Government and International Relations. After completing her Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice in 2021, she was admitted to the Queensland Supreme Court and High Court of Australia in early 2022.

Ryley has a background as a graduate lawyer and solicitor at both boutique and larger firms, with her roles all focusing on the area of commercial litigation. She has a wide range of experience in this area, including but not limited to debt recovery (against companies and individuals), commercial property, leasing and contract disputes. She is passionate about working with clients to achieve the best possible outcome in a time efficient and cost-effective manner.

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